Bonsai Font 🌳


Bonsai Font🌳

Experimental pixel font type for art, coded communications, experimental textures and more! Mapped to English (QWERTY) keyboard.

Format: .ttf file

Note: .ttf is compatible with most word processors and design software that allow for custom imported fonts. Google Docs is a notable exception.

If you have any questions or want help with ideas for how to use the font, feel free to reach out!

Please feel free to download and share my font type and use in whatever non-commercial creative or experimental projects you may have. Please @ me on socials when you post so I can see and interact with your art. :)

Please read my end-user agreement below before downloading.

Thank you!

End-User Liscense Agreement: By agreeing to purchase and download the following file you agree to the following conditions.
1. The font is to be used for non-commercial purposes ONLY.
2. The font is NOT to be resold as a standalone digital product or software add-on or to be redistributed commercially in any format.
3. The font is NOT to be published in any printed or written works without Steve's Art and Cacti LLC's express and written consent.
4. By using this font, you accept that the product is experimental, and may not function in all use cases.
5. Steve's Art and Cacti LLC cannot be held liable for any damages that may occur from its usage, whether printed, redistributed digitally or electronically published in any way.
6. Steve's Art and Cacti LLC retains the right to seek legal action and damages for the products misuse in line with the guidelines above.

Please submit any questions to my website's contact me page.

Updated: 10/24/24 @ 01:14pm EST